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Form – VA Abuse & Neglect Reporting Policy
Robin Saxton
VA Abuse & Neglect Reporting Policy Acknowledgement
VA Abuse & Neglect Reporting Policy Acknowledgement
Policy on Abuse and Neglect Reporting (PC-37)
POLICY NAME: Abuse & Neglect Reporting POLICY NO: PC-37 POLICY DATE: 04/12/2022 POLICY: 1. All employees of HomeCentris Healthcare are required to report any suspicion of abuse and/or neglect of a client or other vulnerable individual. PROCEDURES: 1. If the provider suspects that a vulnerable individual is being abused, neglected, or exploited, or is at risk for abuse, neglect or exploitation, it is mandated that the party having knowledge or suspicion of the abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation, immediately make a report to either the LDSS where the individual resides or to the toll-free, 24-hour hotlines: APS: 1-888-83 ADULT (1-888-832-3858) CPS: 1-800-552-7096 (out of state); 804-786-8536 (in- state). 2. Local departments of social services are responsible for the investigation of alleged adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation and alleged child abuse and neglect. The contact with the local departments may be made anonymously, but the provider record must note the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation and state that the appropriate report has been made. 3. If the vulnerable individual is a CCC Plus Waiver individual, the Agency must also report the suspicions to DMAS.
I acknowledge that I have received and read HomeCentris Healthcare, LLC Personal Care policy PC-37, "Abuse and Neglect Reporting". I understand this policy has been included in the Operations and Nursing Policy Manual for Virginia and that the full policy manual is available on the website. I further acknowledge that this policy may be revised and updated as needed per VA state regulations. I understand that a notice will be provided whenever such revisions are made.
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