What is Caregiver Fatigue in Gaithersburg?
Caring for your parents was never your plan, but since your mother’s hospitalization, she’s moved in. As a result, caring for her has become a second job. You feel physically, mentally, and emotionally drained all the time. While caring for your parents can be rewarding, it can also lead to caregiver fatigue. What is caregiver fatigue, you wonder, and can I get help for it? At HomeCentris, we have the answers to these questions. Learn more by reading below or by calling our Montgomery County office, located in Gaithersburg, today. We provide senior home care to clients in Montgomery County, Maryland including Gaithersburg, Silver Spring, Rockville, Germantown and more.
What is Caregiver Fatigue?
Caregiver fatigue occurs when you have been overwhelmed by the task of taking care of your loved one. You are mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. Moreover, you may stop taking care of yourself or get depressed. If you do not address these issues, you may lose interest in caring for yourself or your loved one.
There are a variety of signs that you’re suffering from caregiver fatigue.
- Frequent headaches
- Aches and pains
- Insomnia
- Appetite changes
- Weakened immune system
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Consistently being worried, angry, or hopeless
- Impatience
- Inability to concentrate
- Lack of interest or motivation in life or in things that used to make you happy
If you struggle with these symptoms, you may try to self-medicate by using drugs or alcohol. This method of treating yourself can be extremely hazardous to yourself or your loved ones. Therefore, it is vital to get proper treatment and help as soon as possible.
Treatment for Caregiver Fatigue
Now that you know the answer to the question, “What is caregiver fatigue?” let’s talk about the treatment. There is no specific medical treatment for caregiver fatigue, but there are ways to combat it. One way to combat caregiver fatigue is to get help. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Ask for help from friends or family members, or get help from a caregiving service, such as HomeCentris Healthcare. It’s important to remember that you cannot and should not try to do everything.
Moreover, make sure you take care of yourself. It would be best if you were taking regular breaks to restore your energy. Additionally, make sure you’re eating a healthy diet and exercising. Both of these methods can also treat the depression you ma be struggling with. Also, make sure you’re getting enough sleep and taking any medications that doctors have prescribed. Taking care of yourself will decrease your stress and allow you to feel better about taking care of your loved one.
Get Help for Caregiver Fatigue Today
If you need help caring for your loved one, don’t be ashamed to get help. Even if you need a short break, it can be helpful to ease the strain of having to take care of a loved one 24/7. At HomeCentris, we offer a variety of services to help with caregiver fatigue, including:
- In-home personal care services
- Skilled home health services (certain counties only)
- Respite services
- Ancillary services
It’s not too late to turn the tide of your emotional struggle. If you want more information on our programs or the question, “What is caregiver fatigue?” contact our Gaithersburg Office at 240-246-7078 today.